Jaze Baqti has released over a dozen EPs and albums since January of this year, and all worth listening to. Other musicians have had me swirling (SAULT, Sam Gendel), overwhelming me with quality releases in record time, but I’m out here huffing and puffing trying to keep up with Jaze Baqti. Still, I will endure. I have enjoyed each release and it is a delightful and satisfying chase.
While I was listening to his album sans-façon, I imagined that Jaze Baqti had spontaneously combusted, propelling out into Earth’s atmosphere every musical idea that was contained within the former. Though I am sure that this is not the case, I am slightly concerned and hope that Jaze Baqti is getting enough rest and staying hydrated.
Onward! https://jazebaqti.bandcamp.com/